
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘flax seed’

  • Nut Butter Smoothie

    Nut-Butter Berry Banana Smoothie ?

    One of my very favorite morning meals is the Nut-Butter Berry Banana Smoothie. (Oh behave yourselves naughty monkeys…!) I refer to this smoothie as ‘B3Z’ (pronounced bee-3-zeeeeh!) since this name includes the word ‘Bee’, and I just love, love, love bees!!! So, I prefer to call it B3Z!

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  • LV Blog Rockin Raspberry SmoothieFF

    Rockin’ Raspberry Beauty Smoothie

    Embrace a diet rich in every spectrum of the rainbow for an ultimate beauty pick-me-up for your hair, skin and nails. Fruits & vegetables are packed with antioxidants along with other vitamins, nutrients, fiber, and minerals that play a huge role in achieving beauty through optimum health.

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  • Detox Smoothie June 2016

    Papaya & Lime Detox Smoothie

    With the heat of summer creeping in, I enjoy chilling down after my workout with a fruity, refreshing smoothie. The papaya, mango, banana and lime all contain phyto-nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. This smoothie is packed with vitamins A, B’s and C, which are great for clearing free radicals and lactic acid out of the muscles after a workout. The cucumber, aloe and coconut water have needed electorates and aid in a healthy digestive track. With all these vitamin-packed ingredients blended together, you get a high fiber, anti-inflammatory, immuno-boosting smoothie that will make you feel like a million bucks!

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