
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘blueberries’

  • Nut Butter Smoothie

    Nut-Butter Berry Banana Smoothie ?

    One of my very favorite morning meals is the Nut-Butter Berry Banana Smoothie. (Oh behave yourselves naughty monkeys…!) I refer to this smoothie as ‘B3Z’ (pronounced bee-3-zeeeeh!) since this name includes the word ‘Bee’, and I just love, love, love bees!!! So, I prefer to call it B3Z!

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  • LV Wild Berry Pie FF

    French Wild Berry Pie ?

    March 14th is Pi Day, an annual international celebration designated to honor the mathematical constant of Pi (Greek letter “π”), as well as Albert Einstein’s birthday. As many of you know, Pi is a never-ending number (3.14159) that that can be calculated to over one trillion digits beyond its decimal point.

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