B.L.A.T.O.H. Sandwich (pronounced blah-toe)


B.L.A.T.O.H. Sandwich (pronounced blah-toe)

Recently, I found myself in a rather ‘delicate’ state, desperately craving salt, fat, protein, juicy tomato & the peppery flavor of arugula. So I decided to make myself a bacon lettuce & tomato sandwich (B.L.T.) With my trusted sous-chef Otter-Pop the dog by my side, we took to the task of creating the perfect ‘hangover helper…!’

As I slid the onion-rye bread into the toaster, I noticed a perfectly ripe avocado on the counter top before me. Inspired by the thought of creamy, buttery avocado doing the samba with the salty applewood bacon, we now had a B.L.A.T.

While slicing the juicy, vine-ripened tomato, the thought of sweet caramelized Walla Walla onions entered my brainscape like a troop of oysters, confidently strutting across a harp string. Oh yes, let there be onions! Of course you realize, now we have elevated our sandwich to a B.L.A.T.O. (Stay with me here!)

Upon the toasted onion-rye bread jumping out of the cozy toaster with vigor, it occurred to me that we might want to add a wee bit of moisture to the aromatic crunchy bread…

Now, as a personal side note, I have always had a notable & profound dislike of mayonnaise. I am completely baffled why anyone with a discerning palate would destroy the fresh, nutritious flavors of a delicious sandwich by smearing a slimy application of greasy fat all over it. The texture, color, smell and thick, rancid flavor of mayonnaise all constitute culinary blasphemy in my opinion, Yuck! Thankfully, my loyal sous-chef wholeheartedly agrees with me on this point…

So, for the addition of moisture, we decided upon a zesty garlic hummus spread, finally graduating our sandwich to the (now) infamous B.L.A.T.O.H!

Tah-dah, the perfect hangover helper! Please enjoy responsibly.


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